Jason the Human Dynamo

by Kurt Benbenek

Here's our friend Jason. He's a Human Dynamo.

(drag your cursor over Jason and watch him shimmy)





Jason's all dressed-up.

He's wearing a nifty bow-tie

and a checkered sports coat.

The hands of Jason

are folded in a relaxed manner.


Jason really likes to travel.

When Jason takes a long trip

he usually travels in his own truck.

This way, he can bring a lot of fun things

with him wherever he goes.


Sometimes Jason keeps gallon cans

of fence paint in the back of his truck.


Jason also has his own airplane and blimp.

Jason's been around the world many times in his airplane.

But he's never been around the world in his blimp

He likes to fly his blimp

over the lakes in his neighborhood.

Jason likes to count the boats he sees on the lakes.

One day Jason will have his own boat.



The beach is one of Jason's favorite places to visit.

He enjoys making sand castles.

Sometimes he collects seashells.

Once in a while Jason goes swimming in the ocean.

He can do many of the well-known swimstrokes.

Jason likes to do the "butterfly" and the "dog paddle"



Jason also spends his time inventing

things in his fully-equipped laboratory.





During Summer, Jason is a big league baseball player.

He's the first baseman on his team.

Jason's a great baseball player.

Whenever he comes up to bat, he hits a home run.


Once in a while Jason brings

a big piece of cheesecake with him to first base.

He eats it while he fields ground balls.




But Jason doesn't always

bring cheesecake with him to first base.

Sometimes he brings an artichoke with him.


(an artichoke)





When he's not inventing things

or playing baseball, Jason is a doctor.

He delivers babies,

tells people to stick out their tongues,

and tests reflexes with a tiny hammer.


Jason used a large hammer to build his own house.

It's a well-built house with modern features.

The house has a kitchen, an indoor billiard room,

a doorbell and a drawing room.

The drawing room

is where Jason does all his drawing.

Jason draws pictures of people, desert animals

and futuristic spaceships.

One day, Jason hopes to fly into outer space.


Whenever he's not drawing things,

Jason likes to build and fly

box kites.




Jason has a lot of friends in the animal world.

He has an animal friend named Inga.

She's a horse.

Inga is a "unique" horse

because she has three ears.

She lives on a pasture near Jason's house.

Sometimes Jason visits Inga

and brings her the kind of food

that only horses eat.



Jason also has a friend named Vociferous.


Vociferous is a rhinocerous.


He doesn't have three ears,

but he's still unique

because he has two horns.

These aren't the kind of horns that honk.

Vociferous needs his horns for protection.


Sometimes birds land on his horns.


One of the birds that lands is Brenda.

She's a sweet, strong-willed little bird.

Brenda can fly and chirp

and settle arguments.


(drag your cursor gently over Brenda)




For fun Jason likes to play guitar.

The guitar he uses is old, but functional.

Jason's favorite song is "Old McDonald"


More often than not,

Jason will drop everything and visit

an active volcano. He enjoys watching

the smoke and lava pour out.

(drag your cursor over the volcano to make it erupt)


One day, Jason hopes to live

inside an active volcano

(or at least keep one in his backyard)


Whenever Jason has spare time,

he gets a kick out of delivering milk





Every other Thursday night at 7:30,

Jason hosts his own television show.

On his show, Jason plays his guitar,

builds box kites, invents things and

demonstrates how to drink milk.





Sometimes on his TV show,

Jason wraps himself up

in coils of pewter.

While wrapped-up in pewter,

Jason hops around.

This is always fun for

viewers of all ages.



Every other Thursday night

(after he finishes his TV show)

Jason broadcasts his own radio talk show

from the same building.


His show is very popular,

even though

Jason rarely speaks on the air.



To relax on weekends,

Jason finds it soothing

to go deep sea scuba diving


These are just a few reasons

why Jason is considered a human dynamo.









The End







(one day I'll tack on some sort of

snappier ending - the author)



Jason the Human Dynamo

was drawn and written during

the last half of February 1987.


Digital restoration

May 23, 2003


Entire contents of this site

copyright © 1987-2003

Kurt Benbenek


click here

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Ben's old apartment